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HOME C-Program

C is a general-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations.

C language was developed in the mids of 1970, which was actually developed to write Unix programs. Compared to other preceding programming languages, C is less complicated, more flexible, easy to understand and efficient in memory usage. C++ language was developed based on C and it combined the useful features of high level and low level languages. The syntax of C++ is almost similar to that of C, but it introduced some new concepts like objects and classes. Hence it has object-oriented features as it permits the usage of objects inside the code.

After the evolution of new programming languages like java, php, etc, one may think of C/C++ as incompetent. But it is not so. All high level languages have an underlying layer of C basics, and almost all high performance applications and full-fledged embedded systems operate on C language.

Benefits of C/C++ over other languages

  • Easy to learn as its commands are similar to English words.
  • It is platform independent and hence can run on different machines.
  • Code is easy to understand and modify
  • Supports the features of middle level and high level programming languages

Why should you learn C/C++?

C/C++ is the fundamental for a software programmer. One can go for higher levels without studying C/C++, but it is always better to make your foundations strong first. Hence learning C/C++ will help you to understand the basics like compilation stages, designs etc. Moreover it helps you to develop many embedded projects since the software language used in almost all embedded system is C. Once you get mastered in C/C++, you can easily switch to other languages like java.

Career options

C/C++ can be called as a universal programming script as it is present in almost every systems like operating systems, file systems etc. The giant companies use C language to develop their technologies and products, and hence its scope will never end. This language has a high demand because:

  • It is the widely used scripting in embedded and mechatronic systems.
  • Many basic functions like image processing, real time systems, communication over network, data acquisition, interrupt handling, operating systems, graphical user interface (GUI), parallel processing, numerical analysis, gaming etc., work well on C/C++ programming.

The vast applications always increase the demand for a C/C++ programmer. Most of the tech giants like Amazon, Intel, Uber etc., still hires programmers with adequate knowledge in C/C++ programming.

Who can undergo this course?

The only prerequisite for this course is your keen interest in learning C/C++ language. Learning this language is fairly easy because, it uses commands which are like English words. Anyone who wants to start a career in software programming can definitely choose this course. No specific educational background is required. A beginner in programming field can learn C/C++ as a base level language. If you are very much interested in embedded system design, then obviously this training program befits you.

This course helps you to

  • Develop creative thinking
  • Enhance your problem-solving skills
  • Understand the basic flow of coding
  • Enhance your knowledge level
  • Improve job opportunities

Why Trinity Technologies?

Trinity Technologies offers basic C/C++ programming course aiming to build a foundation of programming knowledge to the trainees. We undertake the responsibility to build professionals with an industrial level knowledge. We always start our training from zero level so that; even a beginner can follow the course contents easily. We ensure the quality of learning and hence provide best faculty, best lab structures and other required facilities

Trinity Technologies

C++ Training Syllabus


1. Principles of Object-Oriented Programming

A Look at Procedure-Oriented Programming

Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm

Basic Concepts of Objected-Oriented Programming

Benefits of OOP

Object-Oriented Languages

Applications of OOP


2. Beginning With C++

What is C++

Application of C++

A Simple C++ Program

More C++ Statements

An Example with Class

Structure of C++ Program

Creating the Source File

Compiling and Linking


3. Tokens, Expressions and Control Structures




Identifiers and Constants

Basic Data Types

User-Defined Data Types

Derived Data Types

Symbolic Constants

Type Compatibility

Declaration of Variables

Dynamic Initialization of Variables

Reference Variables

Operators in C++

Scope Resolution Operator

Member Dereferencing Operators

Memory Management Operators


Type Cast Operator

Expression and their Types

Special Assignment Expressions

Implicit Conversions

Operator Overloading

Operator Precedence

Control Structures


4. Functions in C++


The Main Function

Function Prototyping

Call by Reference

Inline Function

Default Arguments

Const Arguments

Function Overloading

Friend and Virtual Functions

Math Library Functions


5. Classes and Objects


C Structures Revisited

Specifying a Class

Defining Member Functions

A C++ Program with Class

Making an Outside Function Inline

Nesting of Member Functions

Private Member Functions

Array within a Class

Memory Allocation for Objects

Static Data Members

Static Member Functions

Arrays of Objects

Objects as Function Arguments

Friendly Functions

Returning Objects

Const Member Functions

Pointers to Members

Local Classes


6. Constructors and Destructors



Parameterized Constructors

Multiple Constructors in a Class

Constructors with Default Arguments

Dynamic Initialization of Objects

Copy Constructor

Dynamic Constructors

Constructing Two-dimensional Array

Const Objects




7. Operators Overloading and Type Conversions


Defining Operator Overloading

Overloading Unary Operators

Overloading Binary Operators

Overloading Binary Operators Using Friends

Manipulation of Strings Using Operators

Rules for Overloading Operators

Type Conversions


8. Inheritance: Extending Classes


Defining Derived Classes

Single Inheritance

Making a Private Member Inheritance

Multilevel Inheritance

Multiple Inheritance

Hierarchical Inheritance

Hybrid Inheritance

Virtual Base Classes

Abstract Classes

Constructors in Derived Classes

Member Classes: Nesting of Classes


9. Pointers, Virtual Functions and Polymorphism



Pointers to Objects

This Pointer

Pointer to Derived Classes

Virtual Functions

Pure Virtual Functions


10.Managing Console I/O Operations


C++ Streams

C++ Streams Classes

Unformatted I/O Operations

Formatted Console I/O Operations

Managing Output with Manipulators


11. Working with Files


Classes for File Stream Operations

Opening and Closing a File

Detecting end-of-file

More about Open (): File Modes

File Pointers and Their Manipulations

Sequential Input and Output Operations

Updating a file: Random Access

Error Handling During File Operations

Command-line Arguments


12. Templates


Class Templates

Class Templates with Multiple Parameters

Function Templates

Function Templates with Multiple Parameters

Overloading of Templates Functions

Member Function Templates

Non-Type Template Arguments


13. Exception Handling


Basic of Exception Handling

Exception Handling Mechanism

Throwing Mechanism

Catching Mechanism

Rethrowing an Exception

Specifying Exceptions




Trinity Technologies, Radheyam Tower, Santhi Nagar, Pulimood, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001,
0471-2334855 | 2335855 | 9447387064 | 9847003556
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